Wednesday, 27 January 2010

I want the Librarian Dress for my librarian job!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

My mom has heart surgery in the morning.
Maybe if you're the praying kind, you could pray for her?

Friday, 15 January 2010

Do you remember the time we listened to that song in your car after that movie?
It was before I wondered what it would be like to kiss you.
And long before your kisses started tasting like lies.
This afternoon I went to Mozarts to read. I took Doctor Zhivago, Blue Like Jazz, and two Backpacker issues. Rotating between them all. I bought another white hot chocolate and sat by the big windows overlooking the lake. All the black ducks with their white beaks and the single swan. The glass pane was so cold and you could see the ducks shaking in the rain. I love Doctor Zhivago so much. In six months I'll be somewhere special with someone special. Soon enough I'll know where and with whom. It's been almost six months. It doesn't feel like that at all, does it? Everyone always thinks it's great to say you shouldn't live in the past. But if you're not even aware that the past isn't the present, how do you avoid living in it? Exactly. Six months from now doesn't seem real but six months ago seems like it's still happening. I was there for a few hours but when I left it felt like I was rushing out. I could have sat there with my books and magazines and white hot chocolate for days but the waiters dimmed the lights and lit candles for the couples on their dates. The funny thing was that most of us were just there by ourselves reading and it really wasn't necessary.
"Only real greatness can be so unconcerned with timing and opportunity."
Doctor Zhivago

Thursday, 14 January 2010

You stupid boys and your stupid penises!!!
The Yellow House toilet is broken. 5 girls in one house that always need to pee. And right now this is getting tricky. We're weighing the pros and cons of all taking turns peeing in the shower in a minute or two. Because WE can't just pee off the porch.

Stupid boys.
I need to pee.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I just feel like the world needs to see and laugh at this:
RT @tremendousnews World's Biggest Douche Update! Pat Robertson to Kanye West:
"Check. Mate."

Thanks, Pat Robertson, for giving off even more bad vibes concerning Christianity. Trust me guys, being a self-righteous jackass is not what it's all about.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Sunset at Camp Peniel outside Marble Falls this past weekend
I can't wait to go back

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

I am now a Library Assistant here! I've been working as a page at the HRC for two and a half years but this is really huge for me.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

I have really awful New Year's Eve luck. Like you don't even know. Some friends of mine say they don't believe in luck but trust me, if I gave you a run down of the bad things that have happened on New Year's Eve over the last 5 (at least!) years, you'd be blown away.
And so this year I refused to celebrate. I went with my friends Katlin and Ged (her boyfriend) to Six Flags and pretended like it was just another night with fireworks. I absolutely loved it.
Awful freezing cold weather, great senses of humor, roller coasters and funnel cake.

I imagined that this winter break would be all about reading and travelling. But things haven't worked out that way. Everyone's gone and it's so cold out. Come home so we can leave again.

Friday, 1 January 2010

My one and only New Year resolution:
To always do just as I please.

Yeah, it sounds mega-selfish but trust me- most of the wrong turns I took in 2009 were to try and please someone else. And I don't ever want to repeat the last year or so. Yeah, feeling good about this decision.